Kaley’s coaching blends business savvy, keen intellect, emotional intuition and time devoted to you, so that you are better – everywhere in your life - for having worked with her.
Using an interview-based 360, I see you through the eyes of your key constituents. I then synthesize the feedback about you (to keep participants anonymous) into key areas that you can purposefully address.
The Enneagram personality assessment offers insight into why we do the things we do, especially the beliefs and behaviors that seem to regularly create difficulty both individually and interpersonally.
Working in conjunction with ValueMentors, I help you understand your value priorities, how they influence the choices you make, and how you may have limited your choices through values-based assumptions.
The Leader’s Retreat provides an opportunity to see the path that brought you to where you are, understand the life experiences that have shaped who you are today, articulate the dreams you have, and identify the fears and blind spots that limit your greatest impact.
Like athletes operating at the highest level, corporate leaders know that they can benefit from an outside perspective to help them hone their skills. Ongoing coaching provides structure and accountability to implement the changes that make a difference.
Coaching always begins with a conversation: “What do you hope to accomplish through coaching?” And the process includes many iterations of, “What are you working on and where are you stuck?”
There are many coaches with different styles; and chemistry matters. My approach is meet you where you are, believe in your potential, and provide the tools to help you reach your goals, against a backdrop of enhancing self-awareness. Like most investments, what you put in determines what you get out, and I’m impressed with the ROI my clients create for themselves.